Sunday, August 15, 2010

Halal Food

As we know, halal food demand is increasing worldwide. These are due to several factors such as increasing Muslims population which is Islam believer, increased in food expenditure, higher income and more selective in choosing food, change of lifestyle toward halal food and increase or awareness of advantages of halal food.
However, not really people know about halal. Actually halal is referring to permissible based on Syariah perspectives which consider all the food chain. Syariah law is to protect of purity of religion, mind, life, property and good health of future generation and to maintain self respect and integrity.
So, what is halal food? Halal food is food that permitted under Syariah Law and fulfills following conditions such as do not contain parts or product of non-halal animals or human, do not contain najs, not contaminated with najs, slauthering according to Syariah Law, and is safe and not harmful to consume.
There are some principles are related to Halal and Haram. Basically, all things created by god are permitted, with few exception that are specifically prohibited. To make lawful and unlawful is the right of God alone. Basic reason for the prohibition of things is due to impurity and harmfulness. What is permitted is sufficient and what is prohibited is then superfluous. Whatever is conductive to the prohibited is in itself prohibited, falsely representing unlawful as lawful is prohibited and doubtful things should be avoided.
Malaysia is a Halal food hub which means accurate information of halal can be obtained, halal certification system which is trusted by consumers is enforced and it provides services and network of information among all parties involved. 

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