Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Diabetes Melitus

Diabetes mellitus is a food associated diseases which body cannot use glucose properly because lack of insulin or its proper function. Thus, basically blood sugar is abnormally high in the patient. Under this condition there is increased breakdown of liver glycogen, defective storage of glucose in muscle and defective utilization of glucose in the tissues. Hereditary may is a predisposing factor.
Common symptoms include polydipsia (extreme thirst), polyphagia (constant hunger) and polyuria (excessive urine). Diabetes mellitus can be categorized into two forms which is insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
IDDM is due to insufficient endogenous production of insulin and thus tend toward ketosis and ketoacidosis where face flush, acetone breath, respiration increase and labored and dehydration. For IDDM, insulin treatment is required. The patients have to consume carbohydrate in conjunction with insulin in order to avoid consequences. In case of slow release of insulin, pattern of small meals is recommended.
NIDDM is second type of diabetes which include 90& of all diabetes. It is due to ineffective usage of insulin or inadequate insulin. It occurs in adults especially the one who obese. NIDDM caused by hypersecretion of amylin, problems with insulin receptor or fat, low fiber abd excessive sucrose in diet. Thus, patient with NIDDM should reduce consumption of glucose, sucrose and other simple sugar, replacing some of carbohydrate with monosaturated fat or with fish oil and intake of adequate fiber and pyridoxine. 

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